Good Morning, geeks! Shy, here- just checkin' in with the peeps to see how everyone is getting through our newest read The Alchemist. We are about at the halfway to our next "book party (as I like to call it)".
If you have not purchased your copy of this book yet, please do. It is a relatively quick read, coming in around 200 pages. But seriously, I flew through the first 100 on my first day picking it up. And I've still got about half to read.
If you have never read this book, it is very timely and awakening. It's like when someone nudges you when you are in a dream, and you have to decide whether to stay in the dream state, or allow the nudge to wake you up.
If you have read this book in the past, I would like to also welcome you to join in the discussion.
We had a really great time at our first event. Our "book party" is just that. Drinks, light food, and some great discussion. It looks like we're gearing up to have about 12 people this time around, but I'd like to make it 15-20. Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 12 at 7pm at Kyndra's pad, this time around.
We are alternating where we meet, so feel free to offer up your space for the next one. If no one is up for it we'll come back to my pad.
At our meeting we'll also be coming with book suggestions and voting on our next selection!
I' m very excited and I'd like you to try something new- that goes hand in hand with our book! Come out and see what it's like. We're fun chicks. And dudes.
Pass it on.
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