Book club was very successful this week and I want to take a minute and thank everyone who came out! What a lovely night we had, at our house- and we even had some new faces to share wine with. Such a great evening. We had 9 this time ( we were missing at least 4 due to work responsibilities, etc.) in attendance, and about 5 reading from far off places like Michigan :)
The last book we read was Julie & Julia, and it was sort of a mediocre choice- but easy summer reading, and sort of fun as well. The group will be headed out to see it at the movies next week as well. Please see the bottom of this post for location and time.
I truly enjoyed our new faces, and for me, that's the pleasant surprise of book club. You get to meet people and pick each others brains. We're a little more laid back than your average club, and we promise not to shoot you if you haven't read our selection. But we are always looking for more members. I'd like to see a steady 15, but I'm happy with where we are and where we're headed.
Without further adieu, I present to you our newest selection- Then We Came To The End, By Joshua Ferris. By clicking that title, you are hyper linked to his website. By clicking the picture above, you will be directed to Amazon, who has a great deal right now on this book.
I first saw this book quite some time ago and added it to my Amazon Wishlist. It had a different cover then, one covered in yellow Post-It Notes. On our honeymoon trip to NYC a few weeks back, we popped in The Strand bookstore. I was crippled by my foot injury and in no mood to walk around the miles upon miles of books- but I was still determined to find a good, new read. I stumbled upon Eat, Pray, Love, which I'd been meaning to get to for some time (since cast aside when I found out they are already making a movie out of it starring Mrs. Danny Moder), and of course, our newest selection. Promptly purchased and started my reading on honeymoon.
When I got home I knew this would be our next pick.
There are all kinds of really great shout-outs from people like Stephen King, Nick Hornby, David Sedaris, and more, and it's been on many must-read lists.
So, pick it up on Amazon, or try your local bookstore (local is better!) . Then you are allowed to try B &N or Borders. :)
Our next book club meet up will be Tuesday, September 22nd. We love hosting, but if you are just dying to, let me know and we'll see what we can arrange. So, go pick up the book, you have 41 days to read 350 pages. You can do it! And please, invite a friend, subscribe to our blog, even if you are in another city/state. Love to have you along for the ride!
Happy reading, geeks!
Next weeks Geek Chic Movie Date: Julie & Julia
Tuesday, August 18th, 7:40 PM
Regal Fiesta Movie Theater.
12631 Vance Jackson Rd
San Antonio, TX 78230-5934
(210) 333-3456
Hope to see you there! Mark your calendars!
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