Thursday, January 21, 2010


A few things we learned at the last book club:

1. People like asparagus a lot more when it's on a pizza
2. We WILL have to cut off no later than midnight in the future
3. Everything is more fun with wine
4. We're a liberal bunch
5. Mashed potatoes make great muffins
6. You can Google a LOT of information from your cell phone
7. We always enjoy ourselves!

Book Club Business for 2010:

A. I want you to show up. I really do. But I'm leaving it up to you to tell me when it works best, or what would make it easier for you to be there. I love having people over, and I really want you to come. Don't feel weird if you didn't get all the way through the book, or didn't even crack it open. Yes, we do love to read, but it's really just an excuse for us to get together and socialize. Really.

B. We are going to have some extra book club events in between clubs. For example, Feb 15th we'll be going to Flying Saucer for Pint Night to celebrate Jake's birthday. No book talk, just beer talk. Suggestions for other get-together's in the months that follow are welcome.

C. If you have something you'd like to share about the book club book, present or past, or if you'd like to share something about another book you're reading, or anything to do with literature in general, I would LOVE to share it on our website. Don't be shy- write it, and I'll post it. If you don't want your name on it, I'll post it anonymously.

D. In 2010, we're getting away from the "I liked it, I didn't like it" mentality. I have some interesting books up my sleeve and I am more focused on all of us getting our hands dirty. This year we'll be reading things we probably wouldn't have picked up off the shelf for ourselves.

E. Aside from our Pint Night, next book club will be scheduled for March 2nd. PLEASE, if this date looks bad for you, and I hear from the majority, then we can move it to another day in the week. But I can't help you make it if you don't tell me! And there's nothing I want more than for YOU to come to book club. So let me know.

Lastly, our current selection is The Abstinence Teacher, by Tom Perrotta. He also authored Election, and Little Children. The best price I've found is on Amazon, but it is in store at Barnes and Noble and Borders.

Happy Reading, and I hope to hear from each and every one of you soon!

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